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Showing posts from March, 2018

Retiring Blends

To make room for more unusual single-origin leaf and popular blend collections, we'll be retiring a few of our teas at the end of March. Let's call it Spring Cleaning! Teas being retired as of March 31st : Supernatural Love Me Some Pie Teddy Bear Doctor Baby's Blend Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Sega/Nintendo Knuckle Sandwich Supersonic Peachy Dream The Red Plumber Battlestar Galactica Kaboom! Setting Things on Fire  Stock up now before they're gone!

Guest Post - Harrison of Milk and Leaf Co.

Hello! My name is Harrison and I'm an avid ice cream maker who a bit ago began focusing on making specifically tea infused ice cream. I live in the East Fremont/Wallingford neighborhood and recently was asking some questions about tea while at the shop . After a very helpful exchange, and a returned sample of the results, Friday suggested I make a guest blog post to share my story and give a recipe so people can make tea infused ice cream at home! Before we get into the recipe, I thought I'd share a little bit on what ice cream and tea means to me. I started making ice cream actually as a way to slow myself down. See, I've always eaten a lot of ice cream. Like, a lot. Growing up, my family always had ice cream around the house. We liked to sit and talk while eating a large bowl full. That tradition only expanded as I got older and it became common for dinner plans to end with "so, ice cream?" Ice cream has always been an institution in my life, but at a certai...